Critical Care Reviews Trials Results Livestream
Vasopressin and methylprednisolone for in-hospital cardiac arrest
Published Paper
Published Editorial
Related Trials
Follow-Up Podcast
Chief investigator Lars Andersen joins Rob Mac Sweeney to address some of the questions and comments that arose following the presentation and publication of the VAM-IHCA trial results, investigating vasopressin and methylprednisolone for in-hospital cardiac arrest.
Added October 13th
VAM-IHCA Trial Results Presentation
Asger Granfeldt and Lars Wiuff Andersen (both Aarhus, Denmark)
Prof Spyros Mentzelopoulos (Athens)
Viewer's Questions
Dr Chris Nutt (Belfast)
Panel Discussion
Katherine Berg (Boston), Bernd Böttiger (Cologne), Ranjit Lall (Coventry), Louise Morrison (Toronto), Spyros Mentzelopoulos (Athens), Lars Wiuff Andersen & Asger Granfeldt (Aarhus), Spyros Mentzelopoulos (Athens). Hosted by Rob Mac Sweeney (Belfast)

Lars Wiuff Andersen
Associate Professor, Aarhus University, Denmark
Lars W. Andersen is a clinician and researcher interested in patients with acute and critical illness and with a special focus on patients with cardiac arrest. His research spans animal experiments, observational studies, clinical trials, and systematic reviews. He is currently the principal investigator on multiple clinical trials, including in patients with cardiac arrest in- or out-of-hospital. He is a member of the Advanced Life Support task force at the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation. He is a statistical reviewer at JAMA and an editorial board member at Resuscitation.

Asger Granfeldt
Intensivist, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark
Asger Granfeldt is a consultant and researcher working at the Department of Intensive Care at Aarhus University Hospital. Clinically his interests are acute heart failure and respiratory insufficiency, with a special focus on patients with cardiac arrest. His research has evolved from the development of clinically relevant animal models simulating critical illness to observational studies and most lately to the conduct of clinical trials testing new interventions. He is currently an editorial board member at Resuscitation Plus.
Twitter: @AsgerGranfeldt

Spyros Mentzelopoulos
Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, University of Athens Medical School, Greece
Spyros Mentzelopoulos is Professor of Intensive Care Medicine at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School, and an intensivist at the First University Department of Intensive Care
Medicine, Evaggelsimos General Hospital, Athens, Greece. Prof Mentzelopoulos has a long history of reserach in cardiac arrest, including being the the chief investigator for the original VSE trial, and its pilot precursor. He has published 85 peer reviewed articles and has a H index of 29.

Katherine Berg
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, USA
Dr. Katherine Berg is a Pulmonary and Critical Care physician and Assistant Professor of Medicine at BIDMC. She is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and completed her Internal Medicine residency at Tufts Medical Center. She completed her fellowship in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the Harvard Combined Program. Dr. Berg’s clinical investigations focus on metabolic resuscitation and oxygen consumption in shock states, including cardiac arrest and sepsis. She is currently Principal Investigator on the randomized trial of thiamine to improve oxygen consumption after in-hospital cardiac arrest (THICA) and a co-investigator on the trial of thiamine as a metabolic resuscitator after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (THACA) trial, as well as multiple other CRS studies. Dr. Berg serves as a member of the Advanced Life Support Task Force at the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation, and a member of the Emergency Cardiovascular Care Committee (Science subcommittee) at the American Heart Association
Twitter: @KateMBerg

Bernd Böttiger
Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University of Cologn, Germany
Prof. Böttiger studied medicine at the Medical Faculty, University of Heidelberg. After he was trained as anesthesiologist at the Enzkreisklinikum and the University of Heidelberg, he started his research career at the Max-Planck-Institute for Neurological Research, Cologne, Germany. From 2002 until 2007 Prof. Böttiger worked as a Chief Senior Physician and Vice Chairman of the Department of Anaesthesiology at the University of Heidelberg. Since 2007, he is Professor and Head of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital of Cologne. Furthermore, he is Chairman of the German Resuscitation Council and chairman of the Committee on Emergency Medicine of the German Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine. He is working for the European Resuscitation Council since 2008, initially as Chairman and since 2013 as Director Science and Research. Since 2014 Prof. Böttiger is member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (Halle an der Saale) and since 2015 he is Chairman of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive and Emergency Medicine.

Ranjit Lall
Professor of Clinical Trials and Biostatistics, Warwick Clinical Trials Unit, England
Prof Lall provides oversight to the Statistics Group at the Warwick Clinical Trials Unit and leads on the design and analysis of an internationally competitive and sustainable portfolio of clinical trials in the area of complex interventions (rehabilitation and accident and emergency care). She has responsibility, with the Director, for the strategic management and development of the WCTU, gaining world-wide recognition for excellence in the conduct of randomized controlled trials. Her contributions towards this aim have included taking the lead in delivering the Conference of Clinical Trials of Complex Interventions and Multi-components (April 2015, Warwick) and taking the lead on delivering the Workshop in the Design and Analysis of Complex Interventions (at the International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference, Glasgow, 2015).
Prof Lall was part of the groundbreaking PARAMEDIC2 trial team, which investigated adrenaline in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

Laurie Morrison
Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Morrison is a Professor and Clinician Scientist in the Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Medicine at the University of Toronto and Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute at St Michael’s Hospital. Her program of research is focused on the evaluation and implementation of time sensitive interventions in acute emergencies. She conducts clinical trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyses in topics pertaining to Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. She established a collaborative prehospital research network to conduct randomized controlled trials and outcome validation studies in resuscitation research (cardiac arrest and trauma) on behalf of the Rescu Investigators. She has published over 280 papers, held over $17M as a principal investigator and has an h index of 59 (web of science). She contributed to the development of the 2005 and 2010 and 2015 AHA Guidelines. She is currently providing scientific oversight of the Continuous Evidence Evaluation strategy for International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation. Dr Morrison is the founding director of the Collaborative Specialization in Resuscitation Sciences program of graduate training at the University of Toronto.
She received the distinction of Fellowship in the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences in 2016 and was granted honorary membership by the European Resuscitation Council for life time achievement in 2017. She was awarded the 2017 Dickinson W. Richards Memorial Lecture by the American Heart Association.
Twitter: @Rescudoc

Christopher Seymour
Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Seymour is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, and Clinical and Translational Science at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Over the past 10 years, his research program has focused on clinical and translational studies involving sepsis, biomarkers, and large electronic health record databases. Dr. Seymour completed his NIGMS Career Development Award (K23), mentored by Dr. Derek Angus, titled “Prehospital identification of high-risk sepsis.” This successful award led to funding of a NIH/NIGMS R35 ESI-Merit Investigator Research Award, “Sepsis endotypes during emergency care.” He is Director of the Clinical and Translational Science Program in the Department of Critical Care Medicine, member of the International Sepsis Forum (ISF), and Associate Editor for Critical Care at JAMA. His research has been published in the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, and The Lancet, among others.
Twitter: @seymoc